ApplicationsThe Best Apps to Find Out If You're Pregnant

The Best Apps to Find Out If You're Pregnant

Finding out if you’re pregnant can be a time of anxiety and anticipation. While traditional pregnancy tests are still the most reliable method, smartphone apps have become increasingly popular tools to help women monitor early signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Having these technologies at your fingertips can provide a sense of control and clarity during times of uncertainty.

In this article, we’ll explore the best apps you can use to help you find out if you’re pregnant. These apps have been chosen based on their accuracy, ease of use, and additional features that can help you during this important time. So, if you’re wondering whether those symptoms you’re experiencing are signs of pregnancy, read on to find out which apps can help.

Monitoring early signs of pregnancy

Tracking early signs of pregnancy can be challenging, especially if you’re trying to conceive or if you’re experiencing unexpected changes in your menstrual cycle. Fortunately, today’s apps offer features that allow you to track your daily symptoms, calculate your fertile window, and even identify potential signs of pregnancy.

Now, let’s look at five apps that can help you on this journey.

1. Clue

Clue is one of the most popular menstrual cycle tracking apps, but it’s also great for tracking potential signs of pregnancy. It conveniently lets you track symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and mood swings that could be signs of pregnancy. Additionally, Clue provides an overview of your cycle, helping you better understand what’s normal for your body and what might be a sign of something different.


Another cool feature of Clue is that it can record detailed information about your reproductive health. This includes things like menstrual flow, pain, mood, and sexual activity. All of this data can help you identify patterns and predict the best time to take a pregnancy test.

2. Glow

Glow is another widely used fertility tracking app, but it can also be a useful tool for detecting early signs of pregnancy. With Glow, you can input daily information about your symptoms, basal body temperature, and other factors that may indicate a possible pregnancy. The app then uses this data to provide personalized predictions and advice.

Additionally, Glow has an active community where you can share experiences and get support from other women going through the same thing. This interaction can be extremely valuable, especially if you’re feeling anxious or have questions about the symptoms you’re experiencing.

3. Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker

The Ovia Fertility & Cycle Tracker is known for its accurate ovulation predictions and for helping women who are trying to conceive. However, it also offers features that can indicate a possible pregnancy. The app allows you to log a wide range of symptoms and monitor signs like changes in body temperature and cervical mucus, which can be indicative of pregnancy.

One of the things that sets Ovia apart is its user-friendly interface and the wealth of information it offers. The app provides detailed graphs and a personalized timeline, which makes it easy to track your cycle and identify any abnormalities that may suggest pregnancy.


4. Flo

Flo is a comprehensive women’s health app that not only helps you track your menstrual cycle, but also helps you monitor pregnancy symptoms. It allows you to log a variety of daily symptoms, and based on that data, the app can suggest the possibility of pregnancy before you even take a test.

One notable feature of Flo is its “Pregnancy” mode, which is activated once you confirm your pregnancy. In this mode, the app provides daily and weekly information about your baby’s development, health tips, and helpful advice for your pregnancy.

5. Period Tracker

Period Tracker is a simple yet very effective app that allows you to track your menstrual cycle and the symptoms associated with it. Although it is more basic compared to the other apps mentioned, it is extremely easy to use and can be a useful tool for those looking for simplicity and effectiveness.

With Period Tracker, you can monitor signs like mood swings, breast tenderness, and morning sickness, which are some of the earliest indicators of pregnancy. If you notice a different or persistent pattern of these symptoms, it may be a sign that it’s time to take a pregnancy test.


Additional features of pregnancy apps

In addition to helping you track early signs of pregnancy, many of these apps offer additional features that can be helpful. For example, some apps allow you to track your reproductive health over time, providing graphs and analytics that help you spot patterns and abnormalities. Others offer personalized advice and community support, which can be comforting during uncertain times.

Another interesting feature is the pregnancy mode that some apps offer, providing personalized information and tips from the moment the pregnancy is confirmed. This can include tips on nutrition, fetal development, and reminders for doctor's appointments, helping to make your pregnancy experience more relaxed and informed.


How can these apps help me know if I'm pregnant?
These apps allow you to log and monitor daily symptoms that may be indicative of a possible pregnancy, such as nausea, fatigue, and mood swings. Based on the data you input, some apps can suggest the possibility of pregnancy even before a traditional test.

Are apps accurate in detecting pregnancy?
While apps can help you identify early signs of pregnancy, they are not a substitute for a pregnancy test or a doctor’s appointment. They should be used as a complementary tool to monitor your reproductive health.

When is the best time to start using these apps?
Ideally, you should start using these apps from the beginning of your menstrual cycle or when you start trying to get pregnant. This way, you will have a detailed record of your symptoms and will be able to identify any abnormalities that may suggest pregnancy.

Can I rely solely on apps to find out if I'm pregnant?
No, apps should be used as a supporting tool. To confirm a pregnancy, it is essential to take a traditional pregnancy test and consult a doctor.

Are these apps free?
Most of the apps mentioned offer a free version with basic functionality. However, to access more advanced features, you may need to purchase a paid version.


In short, pregnancy apps are useful tools that can complement traditional tests and doctor visits. They offer the convenience of monitoring signs and symptoms in real time and can provide a better understanding of your menstrual cycle and reproductive health. So, whether you’re trying to get pregnant or just want to monitor your health, these apps are worth trying out and seeing which one best suits your needs.

Rodrigo Pereira
Rodrigo Pereira
Studying IT. I currently work as a writer on the luxmobiles blog. Creating diverse content relevant to you daily.
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