ApplicationsBest Apps for Weighing Animals

Best Apps for Weighing Animals

In the world of technology and innovation, advances are not limited to gadgets or applications intended for human use. The farming and animal care sector has also seen a significant increase in the creation and development of useful applications, which include tools for weighing animals. These apps are designed to help pet owners, farmers and veterinarians monitor the health and well-being of animals through a simple and effective method: weighing. Below we present some of the best apps available for download that can be used anywhere in the world to weigh animals.

1. WeightMyPet

The WeightMyPet app is an amazing tool that allows users to monitor their pets' weight in an easy and intuitive way. With a user-friendly interface, the application makes it possible to record data from multiple animals, making it ideal for homes with more than one pet or for professionals who care for multiple animals. WeightMyPet not only records weight, but also provides progress charts and recommendations based on recorded weight, helping to keep pets in a healthy weight range.


2. Farm Weight

Specially designed for the agricultural sector, Farm Weight is an essential application for farmers and livestock breeders. This app uses your smartphone's camera to estimate the weight of large animals, such as cattle and pigs, based on their visual dimensions. Farm Weight is a valuable tool for managing herd health, allowing adjustments to feeding and management based on estimated animal weight.


3. PetScale

PetScale is an innovative app that turns any smartphone into a scale for small pets. Using advanced algorithms, the application calculates the animal's weight based on measurements provided by the user. Although it requires more active interaction and user input, PetScale is an excellent option for those who need to monitor the weight of smaller animals, such as cats, small dogs, rabbits, and even birds.

4. Livestock Weight Calculator

Developed with livestock farming in mind, the Livestock Weight Calculator helps you estimate the weight of large animals through simple measurements. With this app, the user enters specific measurements of the animal, such as chest circumference and body length, and the app calculates a weight estimate. This is particularly useful for administering medications, formulating diets and preparing for animal sales, ensuring that all decisions are based on accurate weight data.


5. AquaWeight

For aquaculture enthusiasts, AquaWeight is an innovative app that allows you to estimate the weight of fish and other aquatic animals. Using photographs of the animal along with a scale reference, the application offers an accurate estimate of the weight, facilitating the nutritional and health management of aquatic animals. AquaWeight is an indispensable tool for aquarists and fish producers, helping to maintain the optimal health of the animals in their care.


Technological advances in the area of mobile applications have brought innovative and accessible solutions for monitoring animal weight. Whether for pets, livestock or aquatic animals, there is an app available to meet the needs of every owner or professional. With the easy access and ability to download these apps anywhere in the world, keeping tabs on the health and well-being of animals has never been simpler. These tools are a perfect example of how technology can be used to improve the lives of humans and animals.

Rodrigo Pereira
Rodrigo Pereira
Studying IT. I currently work as a writer on the luxmobiles blog. Creating diverse content relevant to you daily.
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