ApplicationsApplications for Weighing Animals and Livestock

Applications for Weighing Animals and Livestock

The advancement of mobile technology has offered innovative solutions for a variety of sectors, including agriculture. Among these innovations, applications for weighing animals and livestock stand out as essential tools for efficient livestock management. Making it easier to monitor weight gain and animal welfare, these apps allow producers to make informed decisions, improving the productivity and profitability of their farms. Below we explore some of the globally available apps that can be downloaded onto smartphones and tablets.

Livestock Weight Calculator

Livestock Weight Calculator is an intuitive application that makes it easy to estimate the weight of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats through simple body measurements. Using algorithms based on extensive research, this application provides accurate weight estimates, allowing for proper food management, administration of medications in the correct dosage and sales planning. Available for download on several platforms, the Livestock Weight Calculator is an indispensable tool for producers looking to optimize the health and growth of their herd.


Farm Weight

Farm Weight is another practical solution that allows users to weigh their livestock using just a photo. Thanks to image recognition technology, the application analyzes the animal's dimensions captured in the photograph and estimates its weight based on species-specific growth models. This non-invasive method minimizes animal stress and offers a quick and efficient way to monitor weight gain, contributing to more effective production management. The application is available for download in several regions, making it an accessible tool for producers around the world.



CattleScale stands out for its ability to integrate with digital livestock scales, facilitating the collection and storage of real-time weight data. Compatible with a wide range of mobile devices, this app allows producers to track livestock growth, organize weight records by animal or group, and generate detailed reports. These features help you make informed decisions about nutrition, reproduction and sales, maximizing the farm's operational efficiency. Available globally, CattleScale is a robust solution for weight data management.



WeightMyStock is an innovative app designed to weigh not only cattle but also a variety of other farm animals such as poultry and pigs. Using a combination of manual measurement input and photographic analysis, this application provides accurate weight estimates, facilitating the nutritional and health management of animals. Additionally, WeightMyStock has features for tracking weight progress over time, allowing producers to adjust their management strategies as needed. Available for download on multiple platforms, WeightMyStock is a versatile tool for the modern producer.


These applications represent only a fraction of the tools available to assist in animal and livestock management. Choosing the most suitable application depends on the specific needs of each producer and the infrastructure available on their property. Regardless of your choice, it is important to remember that the accuracy of weight estimates may vary depending on the quality of the measurements and photos provided. Therefore, it is always recommended to carry out periodic checks with traditional weighing methods to ensure the accuracy of the data collected. With the help of these technologies, producers around the world can significantly improve the efficiency and profitability of their agricultural operations.

Rodrigo Pereira
Rodrigo Pereira
Studying IT. I currently work as a writer on the luxmobiles blog. Creating diverse content relevant to you daily.
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